May 23, 2024 •   Water

2023 Water Quality Summary

Find more information on the municipal website regarding water and sewage services. You'll discover additional details in the frequently asked questions section, including a form to submit your own questions. Also, take a look at the monthly reports from the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA), as well as the relevant contacts based on the nature of your inquiries.

September 12th
Dr.Bill Dallala, independant chemist, presented his assessment of the water treatment plant to the city council. He recommends changes in the chemicals needed to treat manganese in water and necessary adjustments to the equipment for the treatment to be effective. To read the report  Bill Dallala - Mangenese study.pdf

August 4th : 
In a letter received on August 4, 2023, Dr. Paul Roumeliotis from the Eastern Ontario Health Unit assures us that manganese levels have remained below the limits recommended by Health Canada in recent days, thus cancelling the previous recommendation to limit water use for infants exclusively fed with formula.
We continue to work closely with experts to prevent such a situation from arising. The drinking water in Casselman remains in compliance with Health Canada and Ontario standards.
We appreciate your patience and support during this period. Your health remains our priority.

July 26:
In addition to the steps already taken with the Ontario Water Agency and the Walkerton Expertise Center, the Municipality of Casselman has engaged the professional services of Mr. Bill Dallala, a chemical engineer specializing in water quality, to strengthen our efforts in water management. During his visits to our facilities, detailed analyses and inspections of equipment configuration will be conducted, along with evaluations related to oxidation and filtration. Following this, the municipality will receive a comprehensive report with appropriate recommendations. We are actively committed to continuously improving our approach to ensure a safe and reliable water supply.

July 25: 
In 2022, the Municipality of Casselman retained the services of the engineering firm J.L. Richards & Associates Limited (JLR) to complete a Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Master Plan in accordance with the Municipality Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) requirements. Two issues have already come up:
1. Early in the ongoing process of the Master Plan, it was determined that water and wastewater infrastructure projects will need to be prioritized to address future servicing needs and ensure appropriate performance and reliability of the water and wastewater systems in short, mid, and long-term planning horizons.
2. To address concerns regarding quantity and quality of raw water from the current source, the South Nation River, JLR is recommending that the Municipality complete a Class EA to determine a water supply source to support short, mid-and long-term development and water demand. Future water could potentially be supplied from the South Nation River, from new groundwater supply well(s), or from another municipality via a new transmission main.

July 24:
Flushing in the distribution started this week as Manganese levels lowered, resulting in clearer water. The process will continue next week. Full distribution network flushing occurs twice annually in May and October, while dead ends are flushed routinely from June to September. Your water quality is our priority.

July 23 :
THE EASTERN ONTARIO HEALTH UNIT published an Frequently asked questions (FAQ) related to many of our questions on manganese. 
Dr. Paul Roumeliotis and his health team have prepared this FAQ:

17 to 21 July : 
• Daily exchange meeting with the water management team, including the Director of Public Works, the Ontario Clean Water Agency and the Public Health Unit.
• The mayor is meeting with the provincial and federal deputies to continue discussions on the financing of the drinking water system for Casselman.
• Starting today, the AOE will take samples every week from different fire hydrants in the municipality to measure water treatment throughout the territory.

July 14 : 
Every month, the OCWA submits a report on water management in Casselman to the municipal Council. You will find here the monthly reports for 2022 and the monthly reports available for 2023. 
There is also the 2022 OCWA Annual Report. A paper copy of the reports is also available at the reception at the municipal offices.

July 12 :
We have received your requests for a rebate on your residential water bill following the water clarity issues over the past few weeks. We are studying the question. According to the Ontario Municipal Act, the water bill must cover treatment, maintenance, infrastructure repairs and improvements, and sewage. Water quality is not a factor in the calculation of the billing rate. It is the municipal council that has the authority to decide whether a reduction on the water bill should be granted to residents or not. Despite the yellowish color of the water, it is safe. We thank you for your patience.

July 6 :
Casselman's drinking water is safe. Read more in the press release HERE.

July 5 :
The Municipality of Casselman is aware of your concerns regarding the levels of manganese in our drinking water. Your safety is our number one priority. The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) and Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) are working with us on the issue. The levels are close to a historical high. Scientific information is being reviewed. We will issue a statement regarding the safety of the water as soon as we have reliable information to share.