Water treatment

Water Filtration Plant

The Municipality of Casselman draws its water from the South Nation River and treats it in its filtration plant to make it drinkable. We treat and produce drinking water that meets provincial and federal standards from both Ministries of the Environment. The water from the treatment plant and the distribution network is continually analyzed and tested by the municipality as well as an external laboratory to guarantee water quality.

Production Capacity

The Municipality of Casselman's plant produces an average of 1,350 m³ of drinking water per day for a population of more than 4,000 residents. This production can almost double during periods of high demand. The average consumption of water for Casselman residents is 352 liters per day, per person. On average, each Canadian uses approximately 329 liters of water per day at home alone.

Water Filtration and Treatment 

Controlled chemicals are used in the water treatment process. However, we use the lowest amount of products necessary for effective treatment.

  • Controlled chemicals are used in the water treatment process. However, we use the lowest amount of products necessary for effective treatment.
  • Aluminum sulfate (alum) is used to remove impurities and harmful microorganisms by amalgamating the particles into parts large enough to be filtered.
  • Potassium permanganate is used to treat the presence of minerals in the South Nation River.

The smell and taste of your drinking water can sometimes change during snowmelt and summer months due to the natural presence of algae and higher water temperatures in the South Nation River. However, the quality of the treated water remains the same and is confirmed by numerous quality controls. We are continually working to reduce and eliminate these seasonal inconveniences.

Cleaning of the distribution network (Flushing) 

The water distribution network is regularly cleaned to remove impurities, sediments and clogging present in the pipes through the standpipes. This technique is also used before the commissioning of pipes in new residential projects.

The municipality of Casselman notifies residents before carrying out maintenance and cleaning work on the distribution network. Even if it causes some inconvenience, this work is necessary to maintain our network in good condition and continue to offer you superior quality water.

The variation in water pressure and velocity during network cleaning can disturb sediment deposited in the pipes. Your tap water may then take on a reddish or brownish color.

  • During cleanings, we ask that you reduce your consumption and not use hot water in order to better control sediments that could enter your system and your hot water tank.
  • After a cleaning period, please let cold water run for a few minutes before using.

In the event of an emergency, the Municipality of Casselman can clean the system without notice.

Domestic devices for water treatment 

Household water treatment devices and bottled water are not subject to the same laws and regulations as your municipal drinking water. Most of these devices are designed to treat water that is already safe for consumption.

There are several types of devices designed for different purposes. For example, some devices are designed to eliminate residual chlorine, while others are used to soften water or eliminate odors.

Improper use or maintenance of a home treatment device can lead to the formation of harmful chemicals or high levels of bacteria in your water.

It is important to carefully understand your needs before purchasing a device and ensure that it is NSF approved. To learn more about the different types of devices, visit NSF International. 

Restrictions on water use

In the event of drought or supply problems, the Municipality of Casselman will ask you to reduce or cease your consumption of drinking water for a period of time to be determined. Official notices will be posted on this website.

Daily water consumption : 


The billing process for water and sewerage charges is detailed on the billing and payment page.

Latest news

April 25, 2024
Conservation of drinking water

FAQ - Drinking Water in Casselman

This is a public document designed to address the questions of Casselman residents regarding water quality.

If your question is not listed below, please send it to us through the following form: https://forms.office.com/r/qZcsqaNj5r

What does the municipality intend to do to reduce our water bill?

According to the Ontario Municipal Act, the water bill must cover treatment, maintenance, repairs and improvements to infrastructure, as well as sewers. Water quality is not a factor in calculating the billing rate. Your bill shows a base usage charge for a minimum of 10 cubic meters per month. Each additional cubic meter of water is billed at a cost of $2.57. If your consumption remains within limits, your bill is approximately $90 per month.

What is the Municipality's drinking water obligation?

Under the Ontario Safe Drinking Water Act and our own regulations, the municipality, as the owner of the drinking water system, is responsible for ensuring that drinking water is provided to residents in accordance with provincial regulations. On behalf of the owner, the AOE operates and maintains the water treatment facility and the water distribution system. Casselman's drinking water network is inspected annually by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to ensure compliance with regulations.

In accordance with its regulations, the Municipality of Casselman is required to convey potable water from the water intake of the treatment plant to the service connection located in the distribution network at the boundary of your property.

Should I buy a water filtration system for my home?

We advise residents to exercise caution when considering purchases of water filtration systems. While we understand the importance of health and safety, it is essential to make informed decisions based on verified information.

What is the Municipality doing about manganese in water?

Historically, the Casselman Water Treatment Plant has experienced challenges in reducing total manganese levels below aesthetic guidelines at various times during the spring and summer seasons. Maximum concentrations of manganese in raw water typically occur during the hottest summer months when the temperature of the raw water is higher. Indeed, at higher temperatures, dissolved oxygen levels at the bottom of the river decrease, causing insoluble manganese oxides to become soluble through bacterial action and leached from sediments. While the AOE is striving to optimize the best performance of the existing infrastructure, the current processes of the facility limit its ability to treat the quality of raw water entering the system.

The municipality received funding in 2022 as part of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program to explore manganese treatment options in the drinking water system. J.L. Richards & Associates Limited (JLR) was retained by the Municipality of Casselman to provide engineering services for the design and associated tendering for upgrades to the Laval Street Water Treatment Plant in Casselman to address manganese (Mn) concentrations in the river, which are currently not sufficiently reduced at the water treatment plant.

The municipality is considering all options, including initiating an environmental assessment (EA) process to explore solutions regarding treatment and hydraulic capacity of the South Nation River.

In addition to the steps already taken with the Ontario Water Agency and the Walkerton Expertise Center, the Municipality of Casselman has retained the professional services of Mr. Bill Dallala, a chemical engineer specializing in water quality, to bolster our water management efforts. During his visits to our facilities, detailed analyses and inspections of equipment configuration will be conducted, along with assessments related to oxidation and filtration. Following this, the municipality will receive a comprehensive report with appropriate recommendations. We are actively committed to continuously improving our approach to ensure a safe and reliable water supply.

Why doesn't the municipality provide residents with bottled water?

The Municipality adheres to democratic principles and ensures transparent decision-making. Budgetary decisions undergo thorough discussion and approval by elected representatives. The Municipality complies with water safety guidelines recommended by the Eastern Ontario Health Unit. The health and safety of residents are top priorities, and decisions are made collaboratively in the community's best interest. Financial responsibility is upheld, and the Municipality remains committed to unity and engagement with the council and the public. Water quality is closely monitored, and experts are consulted to address any challenges and ensure the well-being of residents. The water delivered to your taps is potable, even if it smell or is colored yellow.

Can I flush disinfectant wipes, paper towels or tissues down the toilet?


Despite what some packaging may claim, wipes are not flushable down the toilet. Additionally, paper towels and tissues do not belong in the toilet either. These items cannot be flushed as they do not break down like toilet paper.

In sewers, wipes, paper towels, and tissues clog pipes. Moreover, these items can block sewers and cause sewage overflow into streets and the environment. These wastes can also damage local sewer infrastructure. The only things that should go in toilets are urine, feces, and toilet paper. That's it. Disinfectant wipes, paper towels, tissues, and other items are not acceptable. Please dispose of wipes, tissues, and paper towels in the trash.

Thank you for your cooperation.

What are the impacts of water line flushing?

Water line flushing can cause sediment stirring for a few minutes. Customers who draw water during flushing in their area may notice reddish-brown colored water. If this occurs, turn on your taps until the water runs clear. Water line flushing helps ensure water quality and prevents random episodes of rusty water during high water demand, for example during significant firefighting efforts or water line breaks. During water line flushing, some customers may also notice a reduction in water pressure and flow rate.

How often is water line flushing conducted?

Water line flushing takes place twice a year for a duration of one month. The work is typically carried out between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Why does water line flushing give my water a rust, reddish-brown, or tea color?

Sometimes, water line flushing can temporarily give water a rusty color as iron and other mineral deposits present in the water pipes are stirred up.

Is discolored water from water line flushing safe to drink?

There is no health risk associated with discolored water. The water can be safely used and consumed during water line flushing, but it may stain laundry.

What should I do if I see discolored water coming from my tap?

If you see a reddish, yellow, or brown tint in your tap water, do not worry. Run a cold water tap for a few moments, and its clarity should return.

What is the Regional Source Water Protection Plan?

The source of Casselman's drinking water is located within the South Nation River Source Protection Area and is protected by a Regional Source Water Protection Plan. The plan aims to safeguard the raw water we draw from rivers or aquifers to convert into drinking water against contamination and overuse. To learn more about the protection plan or to view assessment reports, visit Our Drinking Water.

Who to contact?


Casselman MunicipalityOntario Clean Water Agency (OCWA)East Ontario Health Unit (EOHU)
613-764-3139 x 242613-764-9383
1-800-342-6442 (emergency only)
For questions related to water servicesFor questions related to water qualityFor questions related to health issues


If the request is not urgent or can be addressed within a reasonable timeframe, please fill out the customer service form


FAQ - Drinking Water - Eastern Ontario Health Unit

What is manganese and how am I exposed to it?

Manganese is an essential nutrient (mineral) for all living organisms that occurs naturally in the environment. It can be found in air, food, water, soil and rocks. Manganese enters drinking water sources when water dissolves minerals containing it. Consumption of a small amount of manganese from food or water is necessary for good health.

Does exposure to manganese in water pose a health risk?

For a long time, manganese in drinking water was considered only an aesthetic problem (e.g. the source of stains in laundry, plumbing fixtures, etc.). However, recent research suggests that exposure to high levels of manganese in drinking water for prolonged periods may cause health problems in infants, mainly to the central nervous system. This new information has been used to revise Health Canada's guidelines for manganese in drinking water.

For adults and older children, short-term exposure to manganese in drinking water, at levels slightly above this value (see below), is unlikely to be harmful to health. This is because the guideline value is based on infants. Protecting infants, who are most at risk, protects all Canadians.

What manganese content is considered safe in drinking water?

According to Health Canada's new guidelines, drinking water with a manganese content of 0.12 mg/l or less is considered safe for consumption. This maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) of manganese is based on scientific research and includes safety factors to ensure that sensitive individuals, including infants, are protected even if exposed to high levels for extended periods. Concentrations at or below the MAC pose no increased health risk to anyone.

To what extent does exposure to manganese in drinking water pose a health risk?

Studies suggest that for adults and older children, drinking water with a manganese content of over 1mg/l for more than 10 days may present a health hazard. (Note: For children under 6 months, the level is less than 0.3 mg/l. We therefore recommend that another water source be used for diluting or reconstituting formula for infants under 6 months of age who are exclusively formula-fed).

Although the manganese content of Casselman's drinking water randomly exceeded Health Canada's guideline of 0.12 mg/l, there was only one day in the summer of 2023 when it exceeded 1 mg/l: 1.002 mg/l. Note that the following day, manganese levels dropped significantly to 0.24 and 0.105 mg/l, respectively.

As the water meets all Ontario drinking water standards, it remains safe for adults and older children despite the discoloration. The EOHU is monitoring the situation. If levels reach and remain above 1 mg/l for more than 10 days, the EOHU will recommend an alternative source of drinking water for residents.

Why are infants at greater risk than older children and adults?

Infants are at greater risk after exposure to high levels of manganese in drinking water because their brains are developing rapidly; they drink more water relative to their body weight; they absorb more manganese and are less capable of eliminating it from their bodies compared to older children and adults. Infants who consume infant formula mixed with high manganese content drinking water are particularly at risk. Therefore, if the current manganese content in the municipality's drinking water exceeds Health Canada's recommendation (0.12 mg/l), it is recommended to use another water source (e.g., bottled water) to prepare infant formula for infants under 6 months who are exclusively fed with it.

Older children and adults, including pregnant women, are at lower risk because they absorb much less manganese from their food and water than infants.

Should I use tap water to feed my baby with a bottle?

Infant formulas mixed or diluted with tap water may expose bottle-fed infants to manganese. If the current manganese content in the municipality's drinking water exceeds Health Canada's recommendation of 0.12 mg/l, it is recommended to use another water source (e.g., bottled water) to prepare infant formula for infants under 6 months who are exclusively fed with it. Note that when the manganese content reaches and consistently remains below 0.12 mg/l, this recommendation can be lifted.

If I'm pregnant or breastfeeding, should I use another water source to drink?

Manganese absorption and excretion are regulated by the mother's body. Adults, including pregnant or breastfeeding women, absorb much less manganese from their food and water than infants. Therefore, developing fetuses are less sensitive to manganese in drinking water than infants. Breastfeeding is likely not a significant exposure pathway.

Does boiling water remove manganese? Is it safe to cook with this water?

Boiling does not remove manganese from water. Boiling water for an extended period is not recommended. However, it is safe to cook as usual with the water, although there may be a change in the taste of the food.

If the manganese content in my water is above the guideline value, can I still use it for bathing, showering, or handwashing?

Exposure to manganese through skin contact is not harmful. The risk of exposure associated with handwashing, showering, or bathing with water containing high levels of manganese is unlikely to be significant.

If the manganese content increases to the point where the water is no longer considered potable, what measures will be taken to protect residents?

In times of crisis, the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) monitors the situation daily. If the content reaches and remains above 1 mg/l for more than 10 days, the EOHU will then recommend an alternate source of drinking water for everyone.

Where can I find more information about manganese in drinking water?

For updates to the FAQ, please visit the Eastern Ontario Health Unit website at www.EOHU.ca.

You can find additional information in the following resources:

Let's Talk About Water - Manganese in Drinking Water (Canada.ca) https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/sante-environnement-milieu-travail/rapports-publications/qualite-eau/manganese-dans-eau-potable.html

Frequently Asked Questions: MANGANESE (northernhealth.ca) https://www.northernhealth.ca/sites/northern_health/files/services/environmental-health/documents/faq-manganèse-information-sheet.pdf

FAQ - Drinking water - OCWA

Do you plan to flush the water lines to reduce manganese levels in the water system?

The AOE conducts flushing of the distribution network according to a set schedule. Flushing of the entire distribution network is carried out twice a year, in May and October. Flushing of dead ends in the system occurs regularly during the summer months, from June to September. Around mid-July, the AOE flushes the system to help reduce some sediment deposits caused by high manganese levels. We are monitoring this activity to see if it helps alleviate certain issues and we will take action accordingly.

What is the difference between clear manganese and cloudy manganese? How is this related to sediment in the water?

The source water supplying the Casselman Water Treatment Plant contains soluble minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and manganese. When treatment is applied to the water, it oxidizes the dissolved minerals, causing some of them to precipitate out of solution as mineral oxides. These insoluble mineral oxides may be noticed by residents in the form of sediment in their water and contribute to water discoloration. Although this is unpleasant, sediments and discoloration are aesthetic issues. Scale and hard water sediments can affect household equipment such as your hot water tank. Regular maintenance of your household equipment according to the manufacturer's recommendations should be performed. The intervals for such maintenance may vary depending on water quality.

Should we expect the water discoloration issue every year?

The water discoloration issue does not occur on an annual basis. Fluctuations in the chemical composition of raw water from the treatment plant's water source cannot be accurately predicted in advance. Testing and consultations occur regularly to optimize water quality and address concerns. Communication with residents will continue to address concerns as they arise. The concentration of manganese in the raw water fluctuates with the seasons, and there are typically more water quality issues during the summer months, especially when the weather is very hot and there is little precipitation.

Is it possible to know the daily manganese figures in Casselman accurately?

Due to the fluctuating conditions of the South Nation River, manganese levels in raw water constantly change. The AOE continuously conducts tests at the plant to optimize the system in response to these changing conditions. Consultations regarding manganese levels regularly occur between the Municipality, AOE representatives, and regulatory agencies, including the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) and the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU). Relevant information based on these discussions is communicated by the Municipality to residents regarding the current situation.

Who is Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) ?

Ontario Water Agency (OCWA) is a Crown agency of the Province of Ontario established in 1993. OCWA provides various water supply and wastewater treatment services, including operation, maintenance, and management of water treatment plants, wastewater treatment facilities, and related infrastructure. The agency works with municipalities, Indigenous communities, and other clients to ensure the delivery of clean and safe drinking water, as well as effective wastewater management across the province.

OCWA is trusted due to its extensive experience, proven track record, and accountability as a Crown corporation, ensuring reliable and high-quality water and wastewater services. Their collaborative approach and commitment to public health further contribute to the trust they receive from communities and stakeholders across Ontario. Throughout Ontario, OCWA operates facilities designed, constructed, and operated by network owners for the safe cleaning and distribution of water. OCWA's annual reports are available below.

OCWA has been operating the Municipality of Casselman's drinking water system since 2017 and its sewage system since 2021.




Where are OCWA's reports located?

As it takes time to gather the various reports, compile, and verify the data, monthly reports for the Municipality are due by the end of the following month for the previous month. Before the report is publicly released, it must be presented to the municipal council. The reports are available below.

Annual inspection reports

Our drinking water system provides you with a healthy and abundant water supply. We test the water every day, and external laboratories also test it weekly. Therefore, we conduct over 450 analyses per year to meet quality standards and the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002. Municipal drinking water systems are inspected by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. Follow the links to view or download our inspection reports.

Monthly reports

Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) submits a report on the operation of the water treatment system every month. Here is the list of reports starting from the year 2022. The reports are available in English only and are posted as soon as they are available.