Sign By-law
By-law 2017-076 establishes standards for the design, construction, installation, maintenance, and relocation of outdoor signs within the Municipality of Casselman.
People wishing to install, relocate, or modify a sign, as defined in the by-law, must first submit an application and obtain a sign permit.
Permissions and restrictions regarding the types of signs, dimensions, and lighting apply to different zones within the Municipality.
The by-law applies to the following categories of signs and installations:
- Permanent and temporary signs
- Awnings, marquees, and billboards
- Community service and event signs
- Real estate and residential project signs
- Freestanding, pole-mounted, pylon-mounted, rooftop, post-mounted, or pivoting signs
- Illuminated or inflatable signs
- Signs and plaques installed on walls, windows, or facades
- Directional signs and signs for persons with disabilities
This by-law does not apply to indoor signs.
The management of electoral signs is governed by by-law 2023-57
A person found guilty of an infraction under the by-law may receive a fine, as provided for in the Municipal Act.
File a complaint or report a violation
To file a complaint with the municipality regarding a perceived violation, you need to fill out a complaint form.
To report a situation during our opening hours, please contact the Municipal By-law Officer at 613-764-3139, extension 241.